What Can We Help You Cover?

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber Liability in Byron, MI and Surrounding Areas

Recent advancements in technology have created a need for greater understanding and guidelines in a growing industry. At Blackmore Rowe Insurance, we know the risks businesses face when it comes to a data breach and can provide the comprehensive coverage needed for security.

If your company utilizes computers or other forms of technology, you are susceptible to a cyber breach. We can provide your business with a comprehensive cyber liability plan to cover damages if your business’ data is lost, stolen or compromised. We routinely protect businesses in Byron, Linden, Fenton and surrounding areas.

Protection from Data Breaches, Identity Theft, and More

Through our established partnerships we can create tailored insurance solutions. Our team of agents will work with you closely to understand your business model and make sure your plan doesn’t have any gaps in coverage.

Our data breach insurance covers the following potential risks:

  • Loss or Corruption of Data
  • Business Interruption
  • Various Liabilities
  • Identity Theft
  • Cyber Extortion
  • Reputation Recovery

Common Cyber Liability Insurance Questions:  

What is Cyber Liability Insurance?  
When you collect data and store it on a computer system, you must recognize that this data is susceptible to damage, destruction or theft. When such issues occur, they could cause personal and financial challenges both for your business and members of the public. Cyber liability insurance is designed to help the business respond to data losses in ways that will prevent challenges both for both the business and affected third parties.

What Does Cyber Liability Insurance Cover?  
Commercial liability insurance helps the business compensate others if an internal data loss incident occurs and puts third-party personal security on the line. Whether this loss occurs due to a cyber-attack or another form of data loss, cyber liability coverage pays for:

  • Stolen data retrieval and recovery
  • Reimbursement of fraudulent charges  
  • Identity protection services for customers at risk of identity theft  
  • Damage control for your business’ reputation  
  • Legal fees associated with the attack  
  • Regulatory notification fees  

Damaged hardware is not covered by cyber liability insurance. However, commercial property insurance can provide this benefit.

Why Do I Need Cyber Liability Insurance?  
Loss or theft of data is the same as any other type of property damage. It might cause significant headaches for the business, make sensitive information public and cause a lot of problems for a lot of different people. Additionally, it could lead to massive financial challenges for any business, and no business is immune to cyber threats, no matter how strong their data security might be.

In these cases the business, even though it might be a victim, still must take responsibility for remediating the matter. Cyber liability insurance is the benefit that will ensure the policyholder can do so at as minimal a financial loss as possible.  What You Can Expect From Us

At Blackmore Rowe Insurance, we are adamant about creating the right insurance solution for each business. We take the time to get to know each client to fully understand their coverage needs and create a tailored policy to match.

Get Started With Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance could save your business from substantial out-of-pocket costs if you experience a cyber attack. Contact our agency today to get started with coverage.